Service-Driven vs. Science Driven
As Health Care professionals we have the tendency to focus on procedures, treatments and the science of health care. What we often forget about is the “ART” of delivering quality care to our patients and customers. We often lose touch with the “human side” of health care.
In this powerful presentation as a keynote, training workshop or event, Adam White top Health Care Speaker, delivers the inspiring and informative message of mastering the “Art” of Healthcare. The patient-centered focus is what determines the quality of experience for patients. More important than “treatments” is how we “treat” our patients.
You will learn:
-How to put first things first (Start with Why? -Purpose & Mission)
-How to master the Art of Health Care, not just the Science
-Learn how to develop, The Science of Service vs The Science of HealthCare
-How to better serve patients with purpose and excellence
-Learn how small shifts = Big Results (It’s the little adjustments that count)
-Learning to communicate in the human language vs. the health care language
-Develop your ability to focus on People instead of Procedures
-Understand the difference between “Treatments” and “Patient Treatment”
-Discover how lack of communication equals patient irresponsibility
-Happiness: The impact on Patient Care
- Learn that The Art of Health Care is everyone’s business (Perception vs. Reality)
-Learn the power of understanding that all employees are caregivers
-The Investment of time & training vs. the cost of losing patients
-How not to turn employee problems into patient problems
-Learn that operating as a “patient-centered” organization is not a program but a way of life
-How to develop the “human side” of caring
-Listening to the “Patient Voice” vs. the “Medical Voice”

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