COVID, Crisis, Challenge & Change



LEADING DURING: COVID, Crisis, Challenge & Change
This is an unprecedented time in history. With the spread of the corona virus people are struggling to find peace from the worry and stress of this global pandemic. People are scared. They are constantly watching the news and social media. They are pondering questions of how they can best take care of their health, and the well-being of their families, teams, and community. We are all worried about the future. The fall of the stock market, the future of our organizations and jobs, the health of this entire world. Fear can paralyze us, distract our focus, steal our good habits and drive us to make irrational decisions. The pandemic is real. The virus is real...
But you and your organization don't have to face this time of crisis, challenge and change alone. Adam White has created powerful programs for your organization that are focused on leading during crisis, managing change, demonstrating courage, and developing critical thinking skills. Adam will help you navigate this challenging time, call forth your leadership spirit and help you come out on the other side. You have strength your side. You have Adam White Speaks. Take a look at programs and resources below that can be presented as a Keynote, Webinar, Workshop, Pre-Conference event, Training Session or Coaching Session.
We will get through this. And we will get through this TOGETHER!


"How to Lead before, during and after Crisis”
In the aftermath of COVID-19, organizations, employees, staff, and industries are looking to leaders for Leadership. Most leaders have led during times of plenty and times of ease, but true leadership is tested during times of crisis, challenge and change.
In this powerful keynote program, Adam White, Human Potential Expert will teach leaders how to develop their inner leadership potential to lead during times of crisis, challenge and change.
Your audience and leaders will learn:
Leading through Crisis vs. Managing the Response
Creating a “bottom-up” culture instead of a crisis “command-and-control” mode
Leading vs. Managing (How to avoid over-managed and under-led approaches)
The 6 Critical Actions Leaders take make during and after a crisis
Understanding Basic Human Need and the 16 potential affects of Crisis on Staff
How to Manage the 4 seasons of change
Develop true inner leadership and how it’s birthed during Crisis
Developing the Spirit of Leadership that lies in all of us
*unless otherwise requested, Adam’s keynotes include a powerful exercise in mindfulness w/ music at the end of his presentation
Demonstrating Courage During
Crisis, Challenge and Change
More than ever before after this COVID-19 crisis that has swept across our entire world, we need to possess and demonstrate COURAGE. The courage within us will allow us to help those outside of us. Courage says I will bring the others home, I won’t leave anyone behind, I will take the lead, I will be responsible for the outcome. In military combat, Courage becomes a life or death situation. Whether in the military, in your organization, or in your home, you need to have Courage.
Courage is where leadership is born. Your ability to be courageous creates courage in the hearts of others.
In Adam’s powerful program on Courage, you will learn:
How to develop the commitment, mindset, and ability to place others before ourselves
The characteristics of Courage and how Leaders can develop them
Teaching others the 7 Positive Impacts of Crisis
Developing the Spirit of Leadership & Courage that lies in all of us
How to stay calm and carry on during crisis, challenge and change
*unless otherwise requested, Adam’s keynotes include a powerful exercise in mindfulness w/ music at the end of his presentation

Bouncing Back after Crisis, Challenge, Change
There is a distinct difference between someone that folds under pressure while another person thrives during tough times. Some people and organizations drown in what others are able to sail over. They see opportunities while others see nothing but problems. What is the difference between them? What carries people through tough times? The answer is Resilience
Adam White, Human Potential Expert and Leadership Speaker has created a powerful program on the power of resilience and how to bounce back from crisis, challenge and change.
In his program you will learn:
The nature of individual resilience
What makes some organizations as a whole more resilient than others?
What makes others bend and ultimately bounce back
The 3 defining characteristics of Resilient people
3 Ways to Cultivate Resilience
The power of Values during crisis, challenge and change
How the right perception plays a critical part in Resilience
Understanding the ingredients that helped people bounce back after crisis
And more principles and concepts on resilience, managing crisis, change and challenge
*unless otherwise requested, Adam’s keynotes include a powerful exercise in mindfulness w/ music at the end of his presentation

Critical Thinking Skills in Times of Crisis
In times of crisis the human brain defaults into survival mode and loses its ability to think at the higher executive function level. When fear, panic, uncertainly are present, the mind can shut down and force the wrong decisions to be made.
In this powerful program, Adam White Human Potential Expert, teaches audiences how to develop and implement Critical Thinking Skills needed during time of Crisis, change, and challenge.
Your audience will learn:
Developing the ability to apply past lessons to unfamiliar situations like crisis, challenge and change
Understanding the 4 Types of Thinking (Reflective,
Understanding how to align thinking between previous knowns against current unknowns to gain perspective, identify problems, connect the dots, and determine a course of action
How to stay in “Critical Thinking” mode vs. “Survival mode”
Developing the ability to stay in “curious” and “learning” mode vs. “decision” mode
Decision Making: The Power of Studying Consequences instead of Decisions
Mental Reset: Practicing Mindfulness as a form of focus and mental reset
Venn Diagrams and how to simplify the complex in critical thinking
The power of mindfulness and mental focus
*unless otherwise requested, Adam’s keynotes include a powerful exercise in mindfulness w/ music at the end of his presentation

Are you Traditional or Transitional?
In this timely and needed program, Adam White, Transformational Speaker and Human Potential Expert takes your participants on a journey to understanding disruptive change, why change happens and how to manage change. You will develop the ability, perspective and mindset to see change in a way you may have never seen and understood it before. Adam will impart knowledge, wisdom and insight regarding the principles of change that will challenge, inspire, educate and empower attendees to effectively and successfully manage the disruptive changes that have swept across our planet.
In his program you will learn:
The Power of Applied Knowledge as a foundation for embracing change?
Becoming the right type of soil that can absorb changes
The Principles of Change
Understanding why we dislike change
Developing the ability to understand why change happens
The 6 Keys to Managing Change
The 4 seasons of Change and how to adapt to each one of them
The 3 Things that cause resistance to change
Title & Position has nothing to do with Leadership
The 8 Most Important Characteristics of Servant Leaders
The Lessons of Eagles in adapting to change
The human hijackers that may be hijacking your ability to become a Servant Leader And so much more on Change and managing disruptive changes
*unless otherwise requested, Adam’s keynotes include a powerful exercise in mindfulness w/ music at the end of his presentation


In Times of Crisis, Change and Challenge, the Best Organizations know who to trust